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Really, young actors need to avoid getting there names soiled from such crap like this. It's OK to take on roles like this if you are just desperate for money and don't have any ambition to be a serious actor. The movie did not even have a joke or two to offer, unless you are high and generally lacking in intelligence. I also have to agree with a previous comment about 'Asian stereotyping was just offensive to everyone, even non-Asians'. I am not so good at remembering the names of actors just from seeing them as a side kick in just one movie, but now when ever I see the name 'Howard Cai' in a movie, I will automatically have to boycott it. Even 'Jenny Lin' for being a part of a production that continues to degrade Asians. That was OK to do in the past in one or two movies especially when relevant, but not as it is the norm in the vast majority of films that portray Asians as a side role.